Square-summable stability in parabolic Volterra difference equations

B. Shi, Z. C. Wang, J. S. Yu
1996 Methods and Applications of Analysis  
We consider some linear and nonlinear parabolic Volterra difference equations of the forms (OO s oo Um,n -2^ < ij u m,n-rj J + ^JPt^m.n-fci = R^lUm-l,n+l j=l ' i=l and OO -] oo A2 h (Um,n) -Y^qjgiUm^n-rj) + Yl Pif^m^n-ki ) = RAiF(Um-l,n+l) '-i=l -I t=l for 771 = 0,1,..., M-1 and n = 0,1,..., and we obtain several sufficient conditions for the square-summable stability and ^-square-summable stability of the zero solution.
doi:10.4310/maa.1996.v3.n2.a7 fatcat:d4ibwufzgje5daq6bm4bwr6d64