Importance of practical measures and agroecological conditions for formation of yield and quality of sugar beet in Vojvodina

Marinković Branko J., Crnobarac Jovan Z.
2006 Zbornik Matice Srpske za Prirodne Nauke  
Yields of cultivated plants are the result of congruence between cultivated plant demands and agro ecological conditions of the region. Fertilization is a practical measure associated with the highest losses. In actual production conditions, deficiency in NPK nutrition results in losses up to 2.1-14.9 t ha–1, excess amounts of these nutrients in losses of 5.8-18.9 t ha–1. Quality losses are important, too. Decreases in sugar content fluctuate between 0,2% and 0,9%, sugar utilization from 0,3-7,6% and total sugar losses from 380 to 1060 kgha–1.
doi:10.2298/zmspn0610039m doaj:d35b9cbcf25446f0b3fe7935d3f8dcc3 fatcat:avtdqiccz5dd5bxxn7o7m2r72y