Challenges Inherent in Employing Political Mobilization Music Towards National Cohesion in Nairobi County, Kenya

Ruth M'mbwaya Agesa, Frank Matanga
2019 International Journal of Humanities and Social Science  
The paper examined the the challenges encountered in employing political mobilization music towards national cohesion in Nairobi County, Kenya. Methodologically, the study adopted descriptive research design with mixed method approach, utilizing both primary and secondary data. The study was based on the conceptual framework informed by the critical race theory (CRT). The study population consisted of 1015 citizens/ teachers, political mobilization musicians and government officials. The sample
more » ... size was 156 respondents. Data for the study was collected using questionnaires, FGDs and in-depth interviews with key informants. Data was gleaned and analysed by descriptive and inferential statistics using Statistical Package for Social Science. From the findings, it was concluded averagely 75% (n= 156) of all respondents agreed to the facts that; political songs portray bias support, political mobilization music been used as a tool to cause conflicts among communities. That national and integration commission was not able to undertake censorship on hateful and seemingly provocative compositions as a measure to enforce proper checks, Kenya Music Festival Composers has failed to adhere to strategic policies that encourage peaceful and patriotic compositions, Permanent Political Music Commission has not fully maintained a pro-active music policy, Permanent Presidential Music Commission do not fully support and train upcoming musicians into composing nationalistic songs which promote National cohesion and that music has power to act as a tool for community engagement but had been misused for political and monetary gains .
doi:10.30845/ijhss.v9n10a11 fatcat:yyxvjt2amvgotj3qdyhmt6edvi