Dialysis: Survival and Palliation

Dennis Cotter
2016 Palliative Medicine & Care Open Access  
Conclusion The prognostic indicators that Thamer and colleagues used in their prognostic model are similar indicators of the fraility syndrome. Individuals who are frail prior to dialysis do not improve on dialysis and have a predictably poorer survival. Open discussions about the lack of benefits to dialysis for these individuals are important. Uremic symptoms can be managed without the need for renal replacement therapy. Citation: Davis MP, Cotter D, Thamer M, Hamilton-Cotter N (2016)
more » ... : Survival and Palliation. Palliat Med Care 3(1): 1-3.
doi:10.15226/2374-8362/3/1/00122 fatcat:qn2atbuyxrcv3cga7ly7ahdz2a