J0220302 Computational Fluid Dynamic Analysis of Dolphin Swimming Using a Three-dimensional Real-shape Model
J0220302 3次元実形状モデルを用いたイルカ遊泳の数値流体解析([J022-03]生物規範メカニクス・システム:生物の運動、力学及びミメティクスセッション(3))

Masashi NAKAMURA, Tomohiro INOUE, Hiroto TANAKA, Hao LIU
2014 The Proceedings of Mechanical Engineering Congress Japan  
Fast swi 面 ng ofdolphins s 舳 ted biologists d engineers 飴 r decades. Power output perfomiance ofdolphins is still a controversy topic till now , which is well known as the " Gray ' s Parado& " because it yet rema 血 s as a challenging problem of accurately estimating fluid drag / thmst acting on the realistic body of dolphins by quantifying its three − dimensional geometry . Here we reconstmcted a realistic doiphin model by measu 血 g an at − scale rqplica of a dolphin using a three − dimensional
more » ... scanner . We then built a computationbal 伽 id dynamic ( CFD ) model and conducted a CFD analysis to compute velocities and pressures and hence calculate hydrodynamic drag forces of the dolphin. Our results demonstrated that the pressure drag component of the dolphin model was much ] arger than that ofa simplified hyrodynamic model when the swimming speed reached maximum . Furthermore the estimated mass − specific power of the dolphin ( 84, 0 W ! kg ) also showed larger value 丗 an that of the simpli飴 d mode1 ( 51. 3 W ! kg ) . These results sugges ロ hat accurate three−dimensional geometリ ノ may play an important role in in且uencing hydrodynamics and should be considered in analysis ofdolphi 伽
doi:10.1299/jsmemecj.2014._j0220302- fatcat:cespt6ve7rfy5c7kusw7nfnxn4