Embryo transfer, a potential risk in disease transmission

Claudia Jiménez Escobar
2018 MOJ Anatomy & Physiology  
Abbreviations: ZP, zona pellucid; BHV-1, bovine herpes virus type-1; BVDV, bovine viral diarrhea virus; IETS, international embryo technology society; CP, cytopathic; NCP, non-cytopathic; BLV, bovine leukemia virus; FMDV, foot and mouth disease virus Abstract Several studies have been performed to determine the disease transmission potential of early bovine embryos. Most of them agree that the Zona Pellucida (ZP) is a barrier that generally protects the embryo from infection but can also be a
more » ... tential route for the transmission of pathogens. This review will initially focus on the characteristics of the ZP and the potential ways in which an embryo can transmit disease and the possible alternatives to reduce this hazard.
doi:10.15406/mojap.2018.05.00205 fatcat:lnc5jgmgl5copd6uxfxczwyeee