Seidel-Estrada index

Jalal Askari, Ali Iranmanesh, Kinkar Ch Das
2016 Journal of Inequalities and Applications  
Let G be a simple graph with n vertices and (0, 1)-adjacency matrix A. As usual, S(G) = J -2A -I denotes the Seidel matrix of the graph G. Suppose are the eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix and the Seidel matrix of G, respectively. The Estrada index of the graph G is defined as n i=1 e θ i . We define and investigate the Seidel-Estrada index, SEE = SEE(G) = n i=1 e λ i . In this paper the basic properties of the Seidel-Estrada index are investigated. Moreover, some lower and upper bounds for
more » ... e Seidel-Estrada index in terms of the number of vertices are obtained. In addition, some relations between SEE and the Seidel energy E s (G) are presented. MSC: 05C50; 05C90
doi:10.1186/s13660-016-1061-9 fatcat:gs3bmobmdraghbv77wt6xsqhqe