Cogitative Intervention In Societal Thinking

Sotirios (Sam) Karras
People's inquiries would be developed at best when exercised in a tripartite format -that is, problematizations, analyzations, systemizations- should the inquiry process be integrated. When this is missed, inquiries, and related findings, are not to be considered as complete. It is the simple human inquiry, which lies in the human nature, that gives rise to social systems. Individual profession, organizational clan, and societal culture consist the core levels and the inevitable units of a
more » ... l system while direct the following seven key deductions: (1) human inquiry results in social formation including the social levels of individual, organizations, and societies as we know them today; (2) human evolves to individual, a core unit regarding social formations; (3) the role of culture; (4) where the effect of perception lies and why; (5) individual perceiving would not progress to societal processing unless organizational pursuing would be in place; (6) why societies should only process, not pursue, nor perceive for their citizens; (7) the perceptions, the pursuits and the processes in a social system are initially triggered and further evolve by the humans' problematization, analyzation, and systemization forms of inquiry.
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.12519926.v17 fatcat:5dsojfdqonbvjka5i4urbrrpce