An Object Oriented Multi-dimensional Model for Intelligent Substation Information Integration

Tongwei Yu, Yundong Cao, Juyong Cui
2014 Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Mechatronics, Electronic, Industrial and Control Engineering   unpublished
Object oriented algorithm is used for intelligent substation information process, based on XML Schema. One of the most important sessions for the intelligent substation construction is to integrate the mass historical data of devices and to establish the multi-dimensional model for OLAP or data mining. Considering the different requirements on substation devices' data from variety departments, this article introduces an object oriented multidimensional model, which could provide a better
more » ... tion with SCL. Intelligent substation is an object-oriented data model, in the process of integration platform construction, the establishment of multidimensional data model is the follow-up on-line analytical processing (OLAP) and data mining of the prerequisites. This paper puts forward an object-oriented multidimensional data model can be solved by sending the data type of the differences caused by different devices "impedance mismatch" problem, and in system upgrades, extensions will also has a certain advantage.
doi:10.2991/meic-14.2014.352 fatcat:7pyh7swdnnc5hbi2v36xvk64li