A Rule Based System for Semantical Enrichment of Building Information Exchange

Tarcisio M. Farias, Ana Roxin, Christophe Nicolle
2014 International Web Rule Symposium  
In the area of building construction and management, the dematerialization of data and processes has been a global issue for the past 10 years. Going beyond the geometric representation of a building, Building Information Modeling (BIM) is an approach that aims at integrating into one single system heterogeneous data and processes from different actors. Such integration is a complex and fastidious task. The implementation of the related processes for data querying, retrieval or modification is
more » ... ot less difficult. To tackle this problem, we have developed a novel approach based on Semantic Web technologies. In doing so, we have defined an ontology inspired on IFC standard for representing building information. On top of this ontology, we have defined and implemented a set of SWRL rules. The paper at hand describes these rules and their application in the context of building information handling (notably by means of IFC files).
dblp:conf/ruleml/FariasRN14 fatcat:bh2smeukyjdjzmljbnhm2snb74