Pre-Editorial: Towards a Public Archaeology

Jaime Almansa Sánchez
2016 AP : Online Journal in Public Archaeology  
It has been a while since I read for the first time the words "public" and "archaeology" together. I had just conducted a survey for my dissertation on the public image of archaeology in Madrid (Almansa 2006). I typed on the catalogue in search of the book "Beyond the glass case" (Merriman 1991) and suddenly "Public Archaeology" came to me (Merriman 2004). While I was preparing the data for my dissertation I really thought I was discovering a new world, as that represented something totally new
more » ... for me. Of course, there were some "Vikings" there before me.
doi:10.23914/ap.v1i1.2 fatcat:h3h7rkag6vd4tepbuz5aywp5mi