An equivalent circuit of the single-sided linear induction motor considering the discontinuous secondary

Gang Lv, Shaoqiang Yan, Dihui Zeng, Tong Zhou
2018 IET electric power applications  
Due to the influence of the switch and rail equipment, the secondary cannot be laid continuously in the linear metro. An equivalent circuit of the single-sided linear induction motor (SLIM) is presented to consider the discontinuity of the secondary plate, and the electromagnetic characteristics of the motor with the discontinuous secondary are obtained. First, the analysis model of the SLIM considering the missing part of the secondary plate is proposed. Second, the variation of the length of
more » ... he coupled region between the primary and secondary are considered by the method of approximate linearisation to correct the parameters including the primary leakage inductance, magnetising inductance, secondary resistance and secondary leakage inductance. Third, three typical cases of the relative position between the primary and discontinuous secondary are analysed, and the equivalent circuit in each case is deduced according to the distribution of the secondary magnetic motive force and air gap flux density. Then, two coefficients considering the longitudinal end effect, on the basis of the corrected secondary time constant, are proposed to correct the magnetising inductance and secondary resistance. Finally, the analytical results are verified by the results measured on the test rig of an SLIM.
doi:10.1049/iet-epa.2018.5184 fatcat:3z7enyvinzfqbgfvxuuvtc2wr4