Contained mobility and the racialization of poverty in Europe: the Roma at the development–security nexus

Huub van Baar
2017 Social Identities  
Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): van Baar, H. (2018). Contained mobility and the racialization of poverty in Europe: the Roma at the development-security nexus. Social Identities, 24(4), 442-458. https://doi. ABSTRACT This paper starts from the observation that, since the collapse of eastern European state socialism, the Roma have become the subject and target of Europe-wide development programs and discourses, while, at the same time, they have been problematized in
more » ... ms of social, public and national security. Due to the ways in which development and security have ambiguously come together in Europe's recent history, I will argue that the living conditions of the poorest among the Roma have not only worsened, but also, and more fundamentally, the divide between Europe's rich and poor has become seriously racialized and almost unbridgeable. I explain how the bio-and geopolitical conditions under which development and security have merged in Europe's engagement with the Roma have led to a situation in which the official aim of Roma-related development programsthe improvement of their living conditions and life chancestends to result in a dreadlock.
doi:10.1080/13504630.2017.1335826 fatcat:b5wf53zhyvdn3g4xwvztkgplny