Deep Anomaly Detection for CNC Machine Cutting Tool Using Spindle Current Signals

Guang Li, Yan Fu, Duanbing Chen, Lulu Shi, Junlin Zhou
2020 Sensors  
In recent years, industrial production has become more and more automated. Machine cutting tool as an important part of industrial production have a large impact on the production efficiency and costs of products. In a real manufacturing process, tool breakage often occurs in an instant without warning, which results a extremely unbalanced ratio of the tool breakage samples to the normal ones. In this case, the traditional supervised learning model can not fit the sample of tool breakage well,
more » ... hich results to inaccurate prediction of tool breakage. In this paper, we use the high precision Hall sensor to collect spindle current data of computer numerical control (CNC). Combining the anomaly detection and deep learning methods, we propose a simple and novel method called CNN-AD to solve the class-imbalance problem in tool breakage prediction. Compared with other prediction algorithms, the proposed method can converge faster and has better accuracy.
doi:10.3390/s20174896 pmid:32872525 fatcat:nqersgpknnexnc4pcwq3kraywm