Ghost-free Palatini derivative scalar–tensor theory: Desingularization and the speed test

Dmitri Gal'tsov, Sophia Zhidkova
2019 Physics Letters B  
We disclose remarkable features of the scalar-tensor theory with the derivative coupling of the scalar field to the curvature in the Palatini formalism. Using the disformal transformations, we show that this theory is free from Otrogradski ghosts. For a special relation between two coupling constants, it is disformally dual to the Einstein gravity minimally coupled to the scalar, which opens the way to constructing several exact solutions. The disformal transformation degenerates at the
more » ... of the physical region, near which the properties of desingularization are revealed, illustrated by exact solutions: non-singular accelerating cosmology and a static spherically symmetric geon. We also construct the exact pp-waves of this theory propagating at the speed of light.
doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2019.01.061 fatcat:63j2xx7jlzdafchsgil2j73lnu