Hydrogen Technology towards the Solution of Environment-Friendly New Energy Vehicles

Murat Peksen
2021 Energies  
The popularity of climate neutral new energy vehicles for reduced emissions and improved air quality has been raising great attention for many years. World-wide, a strong commitment continues to drive the demand for zero-emission through alternative energy sources and propulsion systems. Despite the fact that 71.27% of hydrogen is produced from natural gas, green hydrogen is a promising clean way to contribute to and maintain a climate neutral ecosystem. Thereby, reaching CO2 targets for 2030
more » ... d beyond requires cross-sectoral changes. However, the strong motivation of governments for climate neutrality is challenging many sectors. One of them is the transport sector, as it is challenged to find viable all-in solutions that satisfy social, economic, and sustainable requirements. Currently, the use of new energy vehicles operating on green sustainable hydrogen technologies, such as batteries or fuel cells, has been the focus for reducing the mobility induced emissions. In Europe, 50% of the total emissions result from mobility. The following article reviews the background, ongoing challenges and potentials of new energy vehicles towards the development of an environmentally friendly hydrogen economy. A change management process mindset has been adapted to discuss the key scientific and commercial challenges for a successful transition.
doi:10.3390/en14164892 fatcat:f7al6bxpqjcbjncxch5njwf6au