Asymmetrical mini disk tools – possibilities of use and directions for further development

Krzysztof Kotwica
2019 New Trends in Production Engineering  
The paper presents a new solution of asymmetrical mini disk tools for mining head of roadheader designed for hard and very hard rock mining. In the first part the benefits of disk tools used in TBM's and special tunneling machines were presented. Next part presents the results of works and laboratory tests performed for developing of new solution of asymmetrical mini disk tools. On the basis of these results new mining head equipped with mini disk tools with a complex trajectory was designed.
more » ... e results of field tests with different constructional and material solutions of asymmetrical mini disk tools were presented. The directions for further development were described.
doi:10.2478/ntpe-2019-0023 fatcat:y4o6zozvvzgbzidwi3v3g3ttri