Analysis of the complex rheological properties of highly concentrated proteins with a closed cavity rheometer

Patrick Wittek, Nicole Zeiler, Heike P. Karbstein, M. Azad Emin
Highly concentrated biopolymers are used in food extrusion processing. It is well known that rheological properties of biopolymers influence considerably both process conditions and product properties. Therefore, characterization of rheological properties under extrusionrelevant conditions is crucial to process and product design. Since conventional rheological methods are still lacking for this purpose, a novel approach is presented. A closed cavity rheometer known in the rubber industry was
more » ... ed to systematically characterize a highly concentrated soy protein, a very relevant protein in extruded meat analogues. Rheological properties were first determined and discussed in the linear viscoelastic range (SAOS). Rheological analysis was then carried out in the non-linear viscoelastic range (LAOS), as high deformations in extrusion demand for measurements at process-relevant high strains. The protein showed gel behavior in the linear range, while liquid behavior was observed in the nonlinear range. An expected increase in elasticity through addition of methylcellulosewas detected. The measurements in the non-linear range reveal significant changes of material behavior with increasing strain. As another tool for rheological characterization, a stress relaxation test was carried out which confirmed the increase of elastic behavior after methylcellulose addition.
doi:10.5445/ir/1000126901 fatcat:mygqg5bcofhpzfsi7qvke4rlaa