Fast image-based separation of diffuse and specular reflections

Bruce Lamond, Pieter Peers, Paul Debevec
2007 ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 sketches on - SIGGRAPH '07  
We present a novel image-based method for separating diffuse and specular reflections of real objects under distant environmental illumination. By illuminating a scene with only four high frequency illumination patterns, the specular and diffuse reflections can be separated by computing the maximum and minimum observed pixel values. Furthermore, we show that our method can be extended to separate diffuse and specular components under image-based environmental illumination. Applications range
more » ... m image-based modeling of reflectance properties to improved normal and geometry acquisition.
doi:10.1145/1278780.1278869 dblp:conf/siggraph/LamondPD07 fatcat:kamgv7kkyvathd363bfn2p4mji