On the proportions of ships of least skin resistance for a given speed and displacement

1864 Journal of the Franklin Institute  
The author referred to a previous paper which he had read to the British Association in 1801, and in which tie had stated the results of a theoretical investigation of the " skin-resistance " of" ships, and verified those results bv a comparison with those of experiments. In the course of that paper he had stated, that the theory gives, for the proportion of hmgth to breadth which produces least skin-resistance with a given displacement and speed, that of seven to one, nearly. This is the case
more » ... hen the figures and proportions of the cross-sections are given, so that the drafL of water bears ,~ fixed proportion to the breadth. :But, when the draft of water has a fixed absolute value, the theory gives ~ somewhat different result; for the proi)ortion of length to breadth which produces the least skin-resistance is found to increase as the draft of water becomes shallower. Proceedings British Association.
doi:10.1016/0016-0032(64)90692-1 fatcat:bkdtkqza6zhcrjsfcrsf3imgre