Mathematical Modeling of Fluid Outflow from the Reservoir

L.A. Mihalchenko, S.S. Makarov
2015 European Journal of Technology and Design  
The article contains mathematical model and the simulation results of liquid outflow from the reservoirs at alternating dynamic level. The results obtained for the three sizes of vertical steel tanks -PBC PBC-1000 -5000, -20000 PBC and horizontal tanks, wagon -tanks of 50 m3 and 100 m3 and 150 m3. Obtain a functional dependence of the liquid outflow from the tanks, depending on the diameter of the outlet nozzle. For horizontal tank volume of 50 m3 is given assessment of the impact of the coefficient of flow at the time of expiration.
doi:10.13187/ejtd.2015.8.79 fatcat:zmavsdsjzjc4pehxfsvlbdjqti