Covid-19: Government must tackle stark regional health inequalities exposed by pandemic, says Marmot

Elisabeth Mahase
2021 The BMJ (British Medical Journal)  
Greater Manchester had a 25% higher covid-19 death rate during the pandemic than England as a whole, a sign of how the pandemic has worsened existing inequalities, a report from Michael Marmot has found. 1 As a result of the pandemic, life expectancy throughout England has fallen, but it has declined most steeply in the north west-falling by 1.6 years in men and 1.2 years in women in 2020, compared with 1.3 years (men) and 0.9 years (women) in the country overall. The striking findings were
more » ... aled as part of a review carried out by Marmot, who is known for his decades of work on health inequalities, including the 2010 "Marmot review." 2 Build Back Fairer in Greater Manchester, 1 a new report commissioned by the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership and published on 30 June, links itself to Boris Johnson's "build back better" slogan and outlines recommendations for improving the situation in Greater Manchester that can also be applied to the rest of the country.
doi:10.1136/bmj.n1677 fatcat:vu3qjsb4vvh35onl6hvjklu4jq