The emergency Policies in Decisions of the Communist Central Committee Politburo between «Revolution from Above» and the Great Terror, 1930-1936

G A Bordjugov
2011 RUDN Journal of Russian History  
The article emphasizes the «critical points» of the policy and ideology behind the emergency measures applied as a special means of administering the country. On the basis of «special files» of the minutes of the Politburo, it studies the limits and the causes of the transformation of the emergency measures into «chrezvychaishchina». This change in the measures applied weakened the social bases of Stalin's regime and undermined the foundations of the productive forces of the country. The author
more » ... shows how the policy of taking drastic action, which was first applied to production (grain supply, etc.), was progressively extended to the problems of security and political control, and how those in power tried to find ways of preventing a shift towards «chrezvychaishchina».
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