On quantum state observability and measurement

Domenico D Alessandro
2003 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General  
We consider the problem of determining the state of a quantum system given one or more readings of the expectation value of an observable. The system is assumed to be a finite dimensional quantum control system for which we can influence the dynamics by generating all the unitary evolutions in a Lie group. We investigate to what extent, by an appropriate sequence of evolutions and measurements, we can obtain information on the initial state of the system. We present a system theoretic viewpoint
more » ... of this problem in that we study the observability of the system. In this context, we characterize the equivalence classes of indistinguishable states and propose algorithms for state identification.
doi:10.1088/0305-4470/36/37/310 fatcat:xmmwsxhiazbonkrl3thbhestw4