Assessment of Wind Resource Around the Korean Peninsula by Using Marine Buoys Datasets
해상부이 데이터 분석을 통한 한반도 해역의 바람자원 평가

Ki-Yong Oh, Ji-Young Kim, Jun-Shin Lee
2011 New & Renewable Energy  
In recent years, many countries have been endeavoring to exploit the offshore wind energy in terms of overcoming the limitations of on-land wind energy. Considering that mountains cover 70 percent of the Korean Peninsula and arable plains for wind energy are negligibly small, Korean government aggressively drives the offshore wind development of the Korean Peninsula. As part of preliminary investigation of offshore wind resources, KEPCO-RI (Korea Electric Power Corporation-Research Institute)
more » ... s been analyzing marine buoy datasets measured at 5 positions over the period of 12 years, including estimation of extreme wind speed. It can be observed that variation of yearly wind speed, monthly wind speed as well as frequency distribution of wind direction. Wind classes of buoy sites are estimated by extrapolated average wind speed using log law. In addition, wind turbine class based on IEC code is assessed for evaluation of suitable wind turbine. Nomenclature P : energy density, W/m 2 V : wind speed, m/s z 0 : the roughness length ρ : the air density, kg/m 3 f(v) : weibull probability distribution subscrip h : a reference height above ground used for fitting the profile z : the height above ground
doi:10.7849/ksnre.2011.7.1.015 fatcat:mbiyaggaxnfdpgm6zdg6htz6ye