Alternative method to obtain the quark polarization of the nucleon

G. Igo
2001 Physical Review D, Particles and fields  
An alternate method is described to extract the quark contribution to the spin of the nucleon directly from the first moment of the deuteron structure function, g^d_1. It is obtained without recourse to the use of input on the nucleon wave function from hyperon decays involving the flavor symmetry parameters, F and D. The result for the quark polarization of the nucleon, ΔΣ_ N, is in good agreement with the values of the singlet axial current matrix element, a_0, obtained from recent
more » ... ding order analyses of current proton, neutron and deuteron data.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.63.057501 fatcat:oscsst7bhjb2hkmg7wt75ht6xu