Learning to play fighting game using massive play data

Hyunsoo Park, Kyung-Joong Kim
2014 2014 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games  
Designing fighting game AI has been a challenging problem because the program should react in realtime and require expert knowledge on the combination of actions. In fact, most of entries in 2013 fighting game AI competition were based on expert rules. In this paper, we propose an automatic policy learning method for the fighting game AI bot. In the training stage, the AI continuously plays fighting games against 12 bots (10 from 2013 competition entries and 2 examples) and stores massive play
more » ... ata (about 10 GB). UCB1 is used to collect the data actively. In the testing stage, the agent searches for the similar situations from the logs and selects skills with the highest rewards. In this way, it is possible to construct the fighting game AI with minimum expert knowledge. Experimental results show that the learned agent can defeat two example bots and show comparable performance against the winner of 2013 competition.
doi:10.1109/cig.2014.6932921 dblp:conf/cig/ParkK14 fatcat:lkqinblhvra3vndyiu5jbmbvbi