Cari Açık Sorununa KOBİ'lerin Dış Ticaretten Aldıkları Payı Artırma Stratejisi Etkin Bir Çözüm Olabilir mi?

2021 19 Mayıs Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi  
The recent chronic deficit in the current account is reckoned as an important issue that requires an amelioration of serious and long-term strategies to find solutions for countries over against inflation, shrinkage of the economy, and unemployment. The way to come up with those problems is to analyze whether the ongoing deficit in the current account is sustainable and whether it will lead to consequences up to the economic crisis, which also means that the solution is possible to determine
more » ... structure of the current account deficit and how it is financed. The starting point of the study is the effort to propose a solution to the deficit problem, especially after the economic liberalization process for Turkey. With this motivation, the structure of the current account deficit and its financing methods were investigated to a large extent together with a proposal that was argued to increase the share of SMEs in exports. In the empirical part, it has been pursued to analyze how positive effect of an increase in the share of SMEs in exports has on the current account balance over the 2008-2018 period to form the theoretical structure of the aforementioned proposal. In this sense, by considering the data of OECD countries, the hypothesis that the increase in the share of SMEs in exports has a positive and statistically significant effect on the current account balance is investigated towards the use of fixed effects panel data and threshold regression methods. The empirical findings imply that there is a positive and statistically significant correlation between the increase in exports of SMEs and the current account balance in all models. In addition to this output, the high technology exports affect the current account balance negatively in the early periods, but the conditions evolve in a positive direction due to an increase in the level of integration in the production process and the increase in productivity.
doi:10.52835/19maysbd.959246 fatcat:tnvf6enuurftjplf2aqkslb3gm