Universal emergence of spatially modulated structures induced by flexoantiferrodistortive coupling in multiferroics

Eugene A. Eliseev, Sergei V. Kalinin, Yijia Gu, Maya D. Glinchuk, Victoria Khist, Albina Borisevich, Venkatraman Gopalan, Long-Qing Chen, Anna N. Morozovska
2013 Physical Review B  
We proved the existence of a universal flexo-antiferrodistortive coupling as a necessary complement to the well-known flexoelectric coupling. The coupling is universal for all antiferrodistortive systems and can lead to the formation of incommensurate, spatially-modulated phases in multiferroics. Our analysis can provide a self-consistent mesoscopic explanation for a broad range of modulated domain structures observed experimentally in multiferroics.
doi:10.1103/physrevb.88.224105 fatcat:rm4pxcrurvh2zgmxycwmjsdrli