Development and Validation of Automatic Tools to Improve Adverse Drug Event Management in Hospitalised Older Patients

Angela Edith Lisibach, Chantal Csajka
During the course of this thesis, I was given the opportunity to meet and collaborate with many great people, without whom this work would not have been possible. I am grateful to have had such great sources of inspiration, guidance and teachings throughout the PhD and beyond. To begin, I would like to thank my supervisor, Dr. Monika Lutters. Your dedication to clinical pharmacy, your drive and your curiosity regarding research are impressive and infectious. Thank you for all your support and
more » ... luable discussions. I would also like to express my deepest gratitude to Dr. Peter Wiedemeier, chief pharmacist of the hospital pharmacy at the Cantonal Hospital in Baden, for allowing me to be part of his team. Both of you, made it very easy for me to combine my passion for clinical work and research and to let me participate in many internal and external courses in order to quench my thirst for knowledge. Without your incredible trust and openness, this would have been impossible. Continuing with my supervisors, I would like to thank Professor Chantal Csajka for allowing me to be your PhD student on the other side of the Röstigraben. I cherish all our discussions and admire your scientific vision and precision when drafting a manuscript or even building a presentation. Thank you for your knowledge that you imparted to me and for your encouragement at every step of this thesis and in the future. In shaping me as a clinical scientist, I would also like to thank Dr. med. Patrick Beeler, who was my telephone, e-mail and WhatsApp joker at almost any time, especially when it came down to data management and coding. Your work accuracy and efficiency are impressive and I count myself lucky to have had the opportunity to take a leaf out of your book. My gratitude also goes to Dr. Dominik Stämpfli, who joined our team as a researcher and clinical pharmacist. Thank you for being a great collaborator, entertaining my many questions and for being a great sparring partner in the pharmacy service on Fridays, where I could so easily work on my PhD, if I had to, with your complete understanding.
doi:10.13097/archive-ouverte/unige:161124 fatcat:3vx5ui7dhfa4lcsbjuejjgyazq