Complexity Issues in Robotic Machine Learning of Natural Language [chapter]

Patrick Suppes, Lin Liang, Michale Böttner
1992 Modeling Complex Phenomena  
In Sections 1, 2 'and 3, the theoretical framework we have been developing for a probabilistic theory of machine learning of natural language is outlined. In Section 4, some simple examples showing how mean learning curves can be constructed from the theory are given. But we also show that the explicit computation of the mean learning curve for an arbitrary number of sentences is unfeasible. This result holds even when the learning itself is quite rapid. In Section 5 we briefly describe the
more » ... s of comprehension grammars generated by our theory from a given finite sample of sentences.
doi:10.1007/978-1-4613-9229-3_4 fatcat:hielbmq7arfm5bxtjnqdxmchoi