List of Figures [chapter]

2022 The Future of Indigenous Museums  
Permission: Solomon Star.) 3.1 The mother tubuan: the most dangerous, and most 50 ramifying, presentation of heritage in southern New Ireland. (Photo: the author.) 3.2 Dancers wearing kabut: these are lesser incarnations of tubuan, 57 which evoke correspondingly smaller segments of the past. (Photo: the author.) 3.3 Some tonger readied for the exchange of pigs and the 59 dismantlement of the social relations they visualize. (Photo: the author.) 3.4 A lalamar, shell-money body of the deceased,
more » ... ior to its 60 disassembly and the 'finishing' of thoughts of the departed. Note the small photograph of the deceased tied to it. (Photo: the author.) 6.1 Opening ceremonies outside the Gab Titui Cultural Centre. 94 Church leaders, elders, community and visitors all joined in to bless Gab Titui.
doi:10.1515/9780857455727-001 fatcat:t55ab7l7ijbnxe6bo76tv2v7sq