Використання Графічних Засобів Mathcad У Дослідженні Гармонічних Коливань Студентами Технічних Спеціальностей Коледжів

2018 Zenodo  
The article is devoted to the choice of software that solves didactic problems in the study of physics and aims at intensifying the cognitive activity of students of technical colleges. The article reveals the problem of implementation of computer-graphic technologies in the study of physics through the introduction of computer modeling elements. It is shown that computer graphics tools are one of the components of the intellectual learning environment. Didactic capabilities of computer
more » ... and software that it provides are determined primarily by methods. Among methods of computer graphics, a significant place in the study of physics is occupied by methods of visualization and modeling that increase the level of understanding of physical material, provide a combination of symbolic and figurative thinking, allow intensifying student education activities during any form of employment by empowering them to researchers. To simulate physical processes, it is suggested to give preference to the mathematical package Mathcad. Systems of computer mathematics Mathcad has great potential for simulation with a simple graphical interface, a simple built-in programming language, animation capability, ease of control over different areas in a document, and takes into account the level of cognitive abilities of students. Therefore, in the article the method of using the graphical environment of computer mathematical system Mathcad in the study of harmonic vibrations by students of technical and technological specialties of colleges is proposed. It is shown that using the graphical environment of the program, changing the parameters of oscillation, it is possible to better analyze their behavior. It is proved that the adequate use of pedagogical software tools for computer graphics contributes to the formation of research skills among students of technical colleges and creates conditions for their active work. The described method for studying harmonic oscillations was tested during the course "Simulation of physical pr [...]
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1255857 fatcat:iqblriowqvcovm4xfxdjazj22m