Pastoral activity of Father Ivan Kachaniuk in the late 80's - early 90's of the twentieth century

Andrii Vasyliv, Olha (s. Andreia) Maslii
2020 Good Parson: scientific bulletin of Ivano-Frankivsk Academy of John Chrysostom. Theology. Philosophy. History  
The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (hereinafter - the UGCC) in the last century experienced difficult times of persecution, which began in 1946 at the Lviv Pseudo-Cathedral. However, thanks to the tireless work and unshakable faith of many bishops, priests and laity, the UGCC managed not only to survive in conditions of total control, but also to develop. Proof of this was the pastoral activity of Fr. Ivan Kachanyuk in illegal conditions of functioning of church structures. Father Ivan chose
more » ... e priestly ministry in the days of Soviet reality, when the atheistic ideology of communism prevailed everywhere, and his membership in the UGCC was punishable by arrest and imprisonment.
doi:10.52761/2522-1558.2020.15.9 fatcat:mqn3w3l3tbdvpckamr2pdxmk2i