A Study of Consumer's Viewpoint on Buy a Condominium

Mieko Fujisawa, Masahiko Nakanishi, Norihiro Nakai
2003 Reports of the City Planning Institute of Japan  
The purpose of this paper is to make clear consumer's criteria of house choice. Developers generally induce consumers in the market of housing. This paper inspected properly the factors for what they judge to their knowledge and experiences. Consumer' opinions were gathered through an Internet questionnaire. These data of consumer' opinions are divided into 26 factors. When prioritized On these data the most important factors buying condominium was the location of condominium. The second factor
more » ... was sound environment. These are different from developers. Further there are more different opinion among sex distinction, generations, and areas. and among others. As a result of Correspondence Analysis of these data, a difference was clear among developers from consumers. For instance the important factors disagree between people live in detached house and in condominium. In the marketing of housing there is thus a need to correspond for individual demands of consumers.
doi:10.11361/reportscpij.2.2_65 fatcat:ppuhhqbvpjaibcxdwleek7bigm