Chapter V: Procedure/Proceedings

Law Institute Indian
The procedural law regarding civil matters is contained in a very detailed manner in the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. Prior to the enactment of the existing Code in 1908, varying systems of civil procedure existed in different parts of the country. The first uniform Code of Civil Procedure was enacted in the year 1859, but there were many defects in it, and thereafter, a new Code was enacted in 1877, which was modified from time to time. In the year 1908, the present Code of Civil Procedure
more » ... erein after referred to as "Code") was enacted. On the whole, this Code has worked satisfactorily. Some important changes were made to it by way of Amendment Act of 1976. 350 In 1999, new Bill 351 amending the Code was passed by the Parliament. The amendments to the Code, which are devised with the purpose of speeding up the tardy justice delivery system, which have not yet been implemented due to intense opposition to it from the lawyers. While the government feels that the amendments would benefit poor litigants, the lawyers hold the view that they would cause hardship to poor litigants.
doi:10.20561/00033160 fatcat:sjxrns4urffpledio7ldeqpqde