Modeling Passive Propagation of Malwares on the WWW

Liu Chunbo, Jia Chunfu
2012 Physics Procedia  
Web-based malwares host in websites fixedly and download onto user's computers automatically while users browse. This passive propagation pattern is different from that of traditional viruses and worms. A propagation model based on reverse web graph is proposed. In this model, propagation of malwares is analyzed by means of random jump matrix which combines orderness and randomness of user browsing behaviors. Explanatory experiments, which has single or multiple propagation sources
more » ... prove the validity of the model. Using this model, people can evaluate the hazardness of specified websites and take corresponding countermeasures.
doi:10.1016/j.phpro.2012.05.062 fatcat:jpuaw4w2vfbydjprb6ccq6www4