ระบบการจัดการโลจิสติกส์เพื่อช่วยเหลือผู้ประสบอุทกภัย กรณีศึกษา อำเภอวารินชำราบ จังหวัดอุบลราชธานี
Humanitarian Logistics Management system for flooding: Case study Warinchamrab District, Ubon Ratchathani Province

คมสัน โสมณวัตร
2016 Technical Education Journal King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok  
Humanitarian Logistics Management system for flooding: Case study Warinchamrab District, Ubon Ratchathani Province to (1) analyze logistics to help the victims in the area (Area Base) and (2) to provide logistics management system to help flood victims in the area effectively. By collecting data from secondary sources and primary sources. The quantitative data from a sample of community Warinchamrab. Hte number of people out of a population of 636 952 people and qualitative data from government
more » ... agencies in Warinchamrab. Province were involved in the operation to rescue the flood victims of three agencies. The results showed that: (1) logistics activities to help flood victims in all 13 events, both areas with disaster management and space systems for disaster management are. Management activities of relief to the victims and Warehousing and storage space, and (2) of the management system logistics to help flood victims due to the involvement of local people. and the government agencies involved. Since the Action Plan for Disaster Preparedness. The factors that contribute to the processes involved in managing the logistics of the flood is to leverage information more effectively contribute to the transport and flow of physical performance.
doi:10.14416/j.fte.2016.6.0019 fatcat:c5anwo5ztvb5zla6e2wtwilw7q