Evaluation Method of College Students' Education Management Quality Based on Collaborative Filtering Algorithm and IoT Apps

Lin Tang, Hamurabi Gamboa Rosales
2022 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing  
Considering the ongoing unfortunate evaluation impact of College Students' education management quality, this paper advances an undergrad' education management quality evaluation technique in light of collaborative filtering algorithm, gathers the impact indicators of College Students' education management quality, and builds an understudies' education management quality evaluation record framework joined with collaborative filtering algorithm. At long last, it is affirmed by tests that the
more » ... ity evaluation technique for College Students' Education Management Based on collaborative filtering algorithm has high precision and practicability during the time spent down to earth application, which gives reference and help for college education management.
doi:10.1155/2022/8747964 fatcat:74z6aep6q5hw5c3sflqtyuilxi