Exploring Career Aspirations of Employees in IT/ITES Industries: The Demographic Linkages

Prakash B. S. Soumya, Manasa Nagabhushanam
2018 International Journal of Management Studies  
The rapid changes in technological, economic, political and cultural environment have profound effects on the world of Career. These changes have created a kind of uncertainty in the nature and culture of work, thereby have affected the careers and lives of people. Career is becoming the top most priority in people's lives. There is a shift from employment to career owing to the many changes that have happened in the economic and social landscapes. This paper rises to understand the key
more » ... nt of the Career trajectory -"Career Aspiration". Career aspiration is the starting point in the Career life cycle of an individual. Organisations and Individuals approach Career aspirations in a variety of ways. This paper has provided a stimulus for reflecting on and evaluating Individual career aspirations. Acknowledging that not all aspirations can be realised and that choices must be made, the discussion presented here challenges organisations to be more explicit about the employees' understanding and clarity of aspirations, both judged and determined. This paper analyses the perspectives of respondents with different demographics and has used a survey instrument for this purpose. The survey instrument was administered on 600 respondents (employees working in IT/ITES industries) from within and outside of the Bangalore city.
doi:10.18843/ijms/v5i3(6)/13 fatcat:3iqnzw3tavfe5aynozdqdp5i7q