Unusual case of stable dense deposit disease over 20 years

Satyanarayana R Vaidya, Chandana R Bhavanam, Ananda R Gurram
2016 Case Reports in Internal Medicine  
Dense deposit disease (DDD) is a prototypical form of C3 Glomerulopathy that affects both children and adults at a rate of 2 to 3 people per million. It often progresses to ESRD and recurs after Renal Transplantation. DDD presentation for 10 years or more is known to progress to ESRD in half of patients. We report a rare case of DDD which has been in clinical and histological remission for 14 years after treatment with Glucocorticoid therapy.
doi:10.5430/crim.v3n3p57 fatcat:fhojgipbd5duvidxdq6ojirt5q