Model Relationship Severity due to Traffic Accidents by Using Loglinear Method

Hasmar Halim, Sakti Adji Adisasmita, Muh. Isran Ramli, Sumarni Hamid Aly
2016 Zenodo  
Traffic accidents are an important transportation problem in several major Indonesian cities, especially Makassar City. Completion of the problem requires a study that is in particular, the severity of traffic accidents. Therefore this study aims to reveal the traffic accidents rate in Makassar City. Data was obtained secondary from the Makassar Traffic Accident Unit between January 2012 and December 2015. The results showed that the number of traffic accidents was 3,603 with a total of 5,489
more » ... ople. The number of victims who experienced the death category was 10.3%, seriously injured 17.1%, slightly injured 72.6%. Based on these results, male victims, adults victims, senior high school educated victims, driver victims, double accident type and side collision were very dominant variables affecting traffic accidents rate. The proportion of victims who had an accident was male,72.3%. The portion of accident victims in adulthood 52.9%. While the percentage of accident victims with high school education is the highest proportion of 55.7% compared to other levels of education, the driver victim has the highest probability of experiencing minor injuries with a risk of 62.6%. Besides, based on accident type, double accidents have the highest proportion of 72.4%, while collision type has the highest percentage occurs in side-direction collisions with a percentage of 53.6%. Therefore, intensive socialization of vehicle use is needed, especially for high school riders.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.4782742 fatcat:ytzc263n4nacdbzd42zrg5wxea