Problems and progress in viral chemotherapy

R. F. Haff
1971 Pure and Applied Chemistry  
Since viruses depend on cellular enzymes for their synthesis, they are less amenable than more complex organisms to selective inhibition. However, our knowledge of viral-specific intracellular events has increased and the feasibility of viral chemotherapy has become more firmly established at least in selected situations. For example, idoxuridine, methisazone, and amantadine represent three separate chemical classes of agents generally considered to be efficacious in the treatment of viral
more » ... tions in man. The use of idoxuridine against herpes keratitis in man is well established; its clinical utility for dermal
doi:10.1351/pac197128040525 pmid:5004403 fatcat:gv4thbgjcrc5bkvvfg4pp55hye