Solving the Chloride Diffusion Equation in Concrete Structures for Prediction of Initiation Time of Corrosion Using The Finite Point Method [chapter]

M. Bitaraf, S. Mohammadi
III European Conference on Computational Mechanics  
In this paper, a finite point method (FPM) is developed and adopted for solving the chloride diffusion equation for prediction of service life of concrete structures and initiation time of corrosion of reinforcement. Diffusion of chloride ions is generally assumed to follow the Fick's second law. FPM is a truly meshless method which uses a moving last square approximation within a collocation strong form for solving the governing differential equation. Several 1D and 2D problems are solved
more » ... FPM and the results are compared with the analytical solution, classical finite element and finite difference methods, and weak form meshless based Element Free Galerkin method.
doi:10.1007/1-4020-5370-3_525 fatcat:zq6vacxj65fg5mhsfquazijyly