D2.4 Report on Multilevel and multidirectional knowledge and innovation in Replicators and Role Models

Irina Pavlova, Sergio Esperancinha, Zahra Amirzada
2020 Zenodo  
Within RURITAGE, the process of knowledge transfer is not intended to be unidirectional but a mutual learning process where both Role Models (RMs) and Replicators (Rs) can exchange experiences that further up skill and reskill their knowledge and capacities. The aim is to reach and train on heritage-led rural regeneration the wider stakeholder community of RURITAGE across the different RMs and Rs. Task 2.3 ensures capacity building to guarantee knowledge transfer and brokerage across different
more » ... IAs, different Rural Heritage Hubs and transcend the mentor-mentee relationship of RM and Rs in Task 2.4. This Task focuses on face-to-face interactions through four workshops, where the entire RURITAGE consortium joins for an intense interactive working session for 3-4 days. According to an initial plan agreed at the Project's proposal stage, each workshop was held in a different location hosted by one of partner organisations. One exception was for the last Fine-Tuning workshop that due to COVID-19 pandemics in 2020 was held on-line. This Deliverable presents the overall approach of the four knowledge exchange workshops, including the logistics and content preparations, and describes in detail each workshop, such as modalities and outcomes of sessions. The Deliverable is completed with the results of overall feedback survey, addressed to the RURITAGE Replicators and Role Models.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.6341837 fatcat:34qtadb5ubectjoyrae4xvpxau