Simulation of freshwater and saltwater flow in the coastal aquifer system of the Purisima Formation in the Soquel-Aptos Basin, Santa Cruz County, California [report]

1992 unpublished
Introduction 1 Purpose and scope 5 Previous studies 5 Acknowledgments 7 Hydrogeologic setting 7 Climate 7 Surface water 8 Geohydrologic framework 9 Recharge and baseflow estimates 12 Historical pumpage 13 Simulation of the ground-water flow system 15 Model description 15 System geometry 16 Boundary conditions 17 Model calibration 19 Aquifer parameters 20 Results of 1930-81 simulations 20 History matching and sensitivity to aquifer parameters 22 Future ground-water development and the potential
more » ... or seawater intrusion 24 Interface movement and sea-level change 29 Summary and conclusions 33 References 34 FIGURES Contents III Conversion Factors and Vertical Datum V
doi:10.3133/wri914148 fatcat:smqkircisngezibdbzazcgmee4