G101 Junior doctor led training to improve the quality of quality improvement

P Rees, J Wright, V Jones
2018 Trainees session   unpublished
that they did not need support at the time. 35 (88%) of Paediatric trainees had not received any formal training on how to deal with many of these situations. All respondents agreed that further training on dealing with these issues was as important as their clinical training in paediatrics. Conclusion Whilst many paediatric trainees felt well supported when dealing these events, many were not. It was evident that the School had to provide more robust, uniform support to all trainees. Since the
more » ... survey dedicated monthly management seminars have been established, a mentoring scheme has been launched and specific legal training days have been offered. Consultants willing to offer such support have been signposted to trainees.
doi:10.1136/archdischild-2018-rcpch.98 fatcat:ysaciqb7azbhbnftjs3mgkrvuq