Purification of Cystathionine γ-lyase from Rat Liver and Preparation ofthe Antibody
ラット肝シスタチオニン γ-リアーゼの精製および抗体の作成

Kazuko Nakayama, Shiro Awata
Bulletin of Kochi Gakuen College  
Cystathionineγ 一 lyase was purified 591 − fold from rat liver by several purification steps , and cystathiunine γ 一 1yase antibodies wcrc obtained from rabbits , ill order to study the control mechallism of the synthesis and the degradation of cysta し hionine γ 一 lyase . The I)uri 「 ied enzym 已
doi:10.24649/kgc.26.0_19 fatcat:esr6jbxqlvahfnobplqljmecwq