Practical Assessment of MRI Coil's Characteristics

Dia M.
2018 International Journal of Computer Applications  
Magnetic Resonance coil is one of the limitation and degradation of image quality in Medical Imaging. Ghosting, Artifacts, and noise are the main consequence of the mismatch of the receiving coil. Human body parts have deferent permittivity and permeability which cause a variation of the self-resonance inductance. I this paper, the effects of variable material filled in brain coil is studied and measured. The different arrangement also performed. The results show a noticeable variation of the
more » ... lfresonance inductance which yields drifting the operating frequency by 122 KHz which is beyond the bandwidth of the MRI signal and instrument. One of the solutions is the autotuning algorithm, which is the only available solution. As a proposed solution, a cylindrical slab with high relative permittivity can be used inside the coil winding which reduce the variation of the operating frequency.. General Terms Nuclear magnetic resonance. Coil,
doi:10.5120/ijca2018916287 fatcat:aswvsiz2crbndnfqsvtbiea7xa