Periodically poled silica fibre: an emerging nonlinear medium for optical frequency conversion

V. Pruneri, G. Bonfrate, P. G. Kazansky
1999 Bragg Gratings, Photosensitivity, and Poling in Glass Waveguides   unpublished
Record second-harmonic efficiencies exceeding 20% and parametric fluorescence have been demonstrated in periodically poled silica fibres (PPSF). The achieved performances set PPSF as a highly competitive material with respect to some of the more traditional nonlinear crystal waveguides. We will review some current material and device research in the field, highlighting the potential applications in several areas such as frequency conversion of high power fibre lasers, optical telecommunication, and quantum technology.
doi:10.1364/bgpp.1999.da4 fatcat:bp7up2ia5behnlau4iobqdebey